All you need to know about estate agent boards

Location, location, location

Estate agents have a vested interest in the success of your PTA. Not only do community events, such as school summer fairs, enhance the appeal of a neighbourhood to potential buyers, but good schools attract families to an area.

One way for PTAs and estate agents to join forces is by advertising events on boards where the agent’s name remains but the words ‘For Sale’ are substituted with event details, including the date and time of the fair.

If your PTA is hoping to establish a partnership, our guide provides a step-by-step breakdown of how to make the connection.

Three months before

Identify potential partners by researching which local estate agents already have a strong presence in the community. These are more likely to be receptive to proposals. Approach agents which handle family homes, the types of property the majority of children at the school live in.

Find out the name of the person in charge of marketing and reach out to them directly by email or phone. Present a compelling proposal highlighting the mutual benefits of working together. Strengthen your proposal by presenting data on how many families whose children attend the school move house each year, or revealing that you already have agreement from some parents who live in particularly desirable or busy streets.

Emphasise how supporting your PTA fair will enhance the agent’s visibility and reputation in the community. Point out that the event attracts a significant number of local families, particularly mums, who are often the key decision-makers in buying and selling homes. Offer them time to think about your proposal and to make their own suggestions.

If you don’t receive a response within a week, follow up with a friendly reminder. Estate agents are busy professionals, and a gentle nudge can often prompt a reply.

Two months before

If your chosen agent shows interest, delve into the specifics. You will need to reach an agreement on a few details: 

How much will they pay for each board? PTAs typically report receiving between £5 and £25, with higher prices in more affluent areas. Most PTAs make between £200 and £500 in total, but we know of one instance where a group received £1,700 for 85 boards.

What is the maximum number of boards? Most agents will limit the number of boards allowed, and some will only agree to install them on busier, more popular streets.

When will the boards go up and come down? Although the estate agent will usually handle the process of erecting and dismantling the boards, parents will need this information.

What information is needed from families hosting a board? Some agents may wish to send an email confirmation, otherwise an address with full postcode may be enough. Ask families if they have any stipulations about the position of the board.

Six weeks before

Announce the collaboration on social media, in newsletters and on the school website. Use all available communication channels to ask if families are willing to display an estate agent sign at their home for a few weeks around the dates of the summer fair. Send the information to the agent in good time.

After the event

Send a thank you email with a brief note highlighting the success of the fair and the visibility gained through the partnership. Reaching out leaves a positive impression and paves the way for future collaborations at other events.