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Bishop Gilpin Primary School raised over £1,300 with Give as you Live

Image: razerbird/
Jo Whelan, GAYL Coordinator, Bishop Gilpin Primary School, London (554 pupils) told us: ‘We have successfully used Give as you Live as a fundraising tool for over two years. So far we have raised over £1,300, and recently the PTA was presented with a publicity cheque in a school assembly by GAYL. We are really proud that we have raised the most money in the country!
We communicate GAYL through our class rep system, our fortnightly school newsletter and by word of mouth at coffee mornings. We distribute flyers into children’s book bags and when the iPad version came out, we gave GAYL an extra push.
This year, The Friends of Bishop Gilpin is concentrating its fundraising efforts on our “develop a love of reading” project. Any funds raised from GAYL will go towards supporting this project. We have 251 sign-ups but currently only 65 parents actively use GAYL, however both continue to steadily increase as does our monthly income.
This proves that it is fast becoming an important revenue stream and the most effective fundraising initiative for our school. It really is money for nothing – so simple to install and use – a very clever, innovative fundraising tool.’
More on events and activities
- Step-by-step event guides
- Virtual fundraising
- Earn while you learn – educational fundraisers
- Regular giving success